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Our Museum - Process Book

A 48 page book documenting the journey of creating a brand identity for the Our Museum Project.

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The Challenge

The aim of this project was to put together a book which effectively documented the process of creating the 'Our Museum' brand identity whilst taking inspiration from the brand guidelines we created for the project.

The Journey


Creating a Flatplan

My main aim was to create a book that was visually appealing whilst also being easy to follow and navigate. To do this, I kept my layouts very clean and colour-coded each of the 5 sections within the book. I wanted to consider pace and challenged myself to incorporate empty space. I made sure to regularly take a step back and look at the thumbnails of my pages; it was important to break up pages with a lot of text using bold pull quotes, coloured backgrounds, splash pages or large images.

Colour palette
Lines pattern

Colours and Style

I initially started by using only the teal and light blue, but I felt that it just wasn’t exciting to look at. Our colour palette was something I felt was strong within our branding, and I wanted to utilise it to give my process book the same fun and contemporary feel. I used the dark blue and teal as my primary colours, and incorporated the others by colour coding my chapter title pages. I also used the four strands as a pattern throughout the book, which added some colour and playfulness to the design.

Contents and Chapter Number Pages

Contents and Chapter Number Pages

We hadn’t specified chapter titles in our brand guidelines, so I decided that for this process book I would have them arranged vertically to break up the rest of the horizontal layout. I introduced this within the contents page, and kept all of the chapter titles consistent and the same size throughout, accompanied by a large chapter number made using the same four strands that appear as a pattern.

The Outcomes

Book mockup front and back cover
Book mockup front cover
Book mockup contents page
Book mockup spread
Book mockup spread
Book mockup spread
Book all spreads
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Our Museum - Brand Identity